解説:Anjelah Johnson-Reyes Learns About The South | Say I Won’t



Learning as a California Girl in the South

Learning a lot, being a California girl living in the South, because it’s different here. I’ve learned when I go to a restaurant, if I order an iced tea, it automatically comes with three pounds of sugar in it. Y’all call that sweet tea. We call it diabetes.

Southern Conversation Style

Learning a lot. Very simple things. Like when I’m in Los Angeles, if I go to a store and they’re like, can I help you find anything? I’m like, I’m okay. And if I’m feeling really friendly that day, I’m like, I’m okay. Thanks. That’s it. That’s where it ends.

Then I got to Nashville. I met TJ Maxx one day. I can hear the ladies in the row next to me. Can I help you find anything? All right, but thank you so much for asking. It’s my pleasure. It’s a beautiful day outside. Yes, it is. But they say it’s going to rain about 3 o’clock. Make sure you get home before the traffic. It’s going to be a mess. Bless your heart.

I was like, whoa, I don’t know if I have energy for this. I don’t know how to do it. Like who stops talking first? Then I look around the corner and neither one of them even work there.

And then somebody told me this. They were like, hey. When people say bless your heart, they can mean it in a good way or a bad way. And I was like, what? Like, how you do a bad bless? And they’re like, no, trust me, sometimes that’s not what they mean. So now, anytime somebody tells me, bless your heart, just to be safe, I reply with, bless your heart. Yeah, I wish you would bless my heart. Bless it again. Go ahead. It’s kind of like the old fighting words at church. I’m going to pray for you. Oh, that’s funny because I’m already praying for you. Yeah, you’ve been on my prayer wall. About to lay hands on you too, say I won’t.

Finding a Home in Nashville

Learning a lot. When we first got to Nashville, we were trying to figure out what part of the city we wanted to live in. Like, where do we fit in? Where do we vibe with? Finding out this county has good schools. This county doesn’t. This county believes in COVID. This county doesn’t. Where do we fit?

And I would tell my friends, I’d be like, hey, I want to live somewhere where I could get a lot of land. And they’re like, OK, you want to head south? I’m like, OK, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. But I also don’t want my neighbor to be racist. So how far south? You know what I mean? Like, are we talking Franklin or Pulaski? Like, how far? Because when you get to the deep, deep south, it’s scary. I’ve seen movies. I’m not trying to do that. I mean, if they have a TJ Maxx there, I will pray about it.

Being a Good Neighbor

And I’m a good neighbor. Like State Farm, I’m there. I love my neighbors. I’m the one that has everybody’s phone number. And if I haven’t seen you in a while, I will send you a text. Are you good? Do I need to do a welfare check? I got your back.

Because I love my neighbors. Every holiday season, I’m going to get my neighbors a gift. Not the whole neighborhood, just the houses I can see from a front window. Because I love my neighbors as long as they love me. And I know that’s not how the Bible verse goes. But that is my interpretation. This is not the new King James Version. This is a new Queen Angela Version. This is Angela 514. Do unto me as you want to get done. That’s how you say amen in my Bible. You could come to my Bible study. It’s on Tuesdays.

Southern Allergies and COVID

Learning a lot. One thing I learned right out the gate is allergies are a whole different beast in the South. Because when I live in Los Angeles, we don’t really get all the seasons. We get summer and fire. So Zyrtec works just fine there. Then I get here, come to find out Zyrtec lost their subscription or something. It did not work. One day I went to pour the Zyrtec pill in my hand and the wind just blew it off. It was like, don’t bother.

It’s fun waking up every morning playing COVID or allergies. You guys know that game? Where you wake up in the morning and your sinuses are doing a weird thing. And you’re like, wait a minute, hold on. Am I dying or did I have dairy? Can I taste anything? Give me some peanut butter. Can I taste?

I was actually really lucky. For the first two years, I did not get COVID at all. And then earlier this year, she got me, little ho. She gets around that one. At this point, I know more people who have had it than who have not had it. I know people who’ve had it with no symptoms whatsoever. And I know people personally who have passed away from it. So my heart goes out to anybody here who has lost somebody from COVID.

COVID Testing Experience

I’ve been tested for it many times. And the first time I got tested, my friends tried to warn me about it. They were like, yo, it’s intense. And it actually wasn’t that bad, probably because they let me do it myself. Yeah, they gave me the Q-tip. And they’re like, okay, you want to go all the way in your sinuses? And I was like, okay. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. How about I just put it in my nostril and I wiggle it a lot? Can you test boogers? I’ll give you some of those.

The second time I got COVID tested, the nurse did it. And he went all the way up in there to where like my eyelids started closing. I was like, whoa, you’re manually closing my island. He’s like, it’s not that far up there. I was like, nah, bro, you’re in my brain. Like, you’re giving basic commands at this point. Like, if I punch you, it’s not my fault. You did it. He’s like, well, I’m sorry. I was like, no, no, no, don’t apologize. Just while you’re up there, do you mind scraping out some of my childhood trauma? That’d be great. Could you imagine if that was a real option? Your childhood trauma scraped out with a COVID test. You’d catch me at the CVS pharmacy drive-through like once a week. They’re like, can we help you? Hi, I’m here for my COVID test. Also, when I was eight, my mom forgot me at the store.

Southern Bugs

Another thing I’ve learned living in the South is the bugs are bigger. Y’all got some Nashville geographic stuff happening here. Like in California, we have bugs, but our bugs are cute. Then I get to Nashville. I went to get my shower one morning. There was a spider in my shower. Now this spider was so big. I thought I was interrupting him. I did. I went to open the shower curtain. I was like, oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know anybody was in here. My bad.

He was big and he was furry too. Yeah, I didn’t know if I should brush it or smush it. I didn’t know. He was so furry, he had dander. I needed my Zyrtec pill just for the spider dander. I was like, sir, the head and shoulders is right there. Help yourself.

If I ever have to kill a spider that big, I am morally conflicted. Because at that point, that’s a pet. Put a collar on that thing, that’s Bubba. Bubba had plans that day. He was just getting started. He’s in the shower. That’s messed up. If you ever have to kill a spider that big, you could hear the crunch. And if you hear the crunch, you know that thing had a soul. That’s messed up.

I used to kill any spider or bug that was around because I don’t like bugs at all. But over the past couple years, I have this newfound respect for nature and insects. So now, if I ever see a spider in my house, what I like to do is scoop it up in a container, take it outside, throw it in a bush, and then immediately go like this. But if I’m left with no choice… And I have to kill a spider. I now like to start with an apology. Listen, sir. I know you weren’t expecting this today. I’ll be honest, neither was I. Truth is, I don’t know you. You could be poisonous and you could kill me. So at this point, it’s either me or you. And I have chosen you.


Learning as a California Girl in the South

Learning a lot, being a California girl living in the South, because it’s different here. I’ve learned when I go to a restaurant, if I order an iced tea, it automatically comes with three pounds of sugar in it. Y’all call that sweet tea. We call it diabetes.






  • Diabetes
    例文:”She was diagnosed with diabetes last year.”(彼女は昨年、糖尿病と診断されました。)

Southern Conversation Style ( 0:31〜 )

Learning a lot. Very simple things. Like when I’m in Los Angeles, if I go to a store and they’re like, can I help you find anything? I’m like, I’m okay. And if I’m feeling really friendly that day, I’m like, I’m okay. Thanks. That’s it. That’s where it ends.

Then I got to Nashville. I am at TJ Maxx one day. I can hear the ladies in the row next to me. “Can I help you find anything?”
“I’m all right, but thank you so much for asking.”
“It’s my pleasure. It’s a beautiful day outside.”
“Yes, it is. But they say it’s going to rain about 3 o’clock. Make sure you get home before the traffic. It’s going to be a mess. Bless your heart.”

I was like, whoa, I don’t know if I have energy for this. I don’t know how to do it. Like who stops talking first? Then I look around the corner and neither one of them even work there.
And then somebody told me this. They were like, hey. When people say bless your heart, they can mean it in a good way or a bad way. And I was like, what? Like, how you do a bad bless? And they’re like, no, trust me, sometimes that’s not what they mean. So now, anytime somebody tells me, bless your heart, just to be safe, I reply with, bless your heart. Yeah, I wish you would bless my heart. Bless it again. Go ahead. It’s kind of like the old fighting words at church. I’m going to pray for you. Oh, that’s funny because I’m already praying for you. Yeah, you’ve been on my prayer wall. About to lay hands on you too, say I won’t.



その後、ナッシュビルに行きました。ある日TJ Maxxで、隣の列の女性たちが聞こえてきました。「何かお探しですか?」と。私は「大丈夫ですが、聞いてくれてありがとう」と答えます。「どういたしまして。外は美しい日ですね。」と。彼女たちは「そうですね。でも、午後3時ごろには雨が降るそうです。渋滞に巻き込まれないように、早めに帰った方がいいですよ」と言います。最後に「気をつけてね」と。


その後、誰かが言っていました。「『Bless your heart』って言われたら、良い意味でも悪い意味でも使われることがあるんだよ。」私は「え?悪い『Bless』ってどういう意味?」と聞きました。「違う、信じて。たまにそれは良い意味じゃないんだよ。」と言われ、今では誰かが「Bless your heart」と言ってきたら、念のためこう返すことにしています。「Bless your heart。うん、私の心を祝福してくれるといいな。もう一度祝福してみて。どうぞ。」それって教会での古い喧嘩言葉みたいな感じだよ。「私はあなたのために祈ってるよ。」ああ、それ面白いね、だって私はもうあなたのために祈ってるんだもの。うん、あなたは私の祈りの壁に書かれてるよ。今、あなたに手を置こうとしてるところだよ、やってみろって言うの?


この文章は、ロサンゼルスとナッシュビルの文化の違いに触れており、特に会話のスタイルの違いを強調しています。ロサンゼルスでは店員とのやり取りはとてもシンプルで、あまり会話が続かないことが多いです。一方、ナッシュビルでは、店員との会話が非常にフレンドリーで、日常的な話題を交えながら続きます。「Bless your heart」は南部特有の表現で、相手に対する親しみや思いやりを示す言葉です。


  • Bless your heart
    ・例文:”Oh, bless your heart! You’ve been working so hard!”(ああ、あなたの心を祝福します!とても一生懸命働いているね!)
    ・類義語:Take care(気をつけて)
  • Vibe
    ・例文:”This place has a great vibe.”(この場所はとても良い雰囲気です。)
  • Prayer wall
    ・例文:”She’s been on my prayer wall for a long time.”(彼女はずっと私の祈りの壁に名前が書かれている。)
    ・類義語:Prayer list(祈りのリスト)

Finding a Home in Nashville (03:22 〜)

Learning a lot. When we first got to Nashville, we were trying to figure out what part of the city we wanted to live in. Like, where do we fit in? Where do we vibe with? Finding out this county has good schools. This county doesn’t. This county believes in COVID. This county doesn’t. Where do we fit?
And I would tell my friends, I’d be like, hey, I want to live somewhere where I could get a lot of land. And they’re like, OK, you want to head south? I’m like, OK, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. But I also don’t want my neighbor to be racist. So how far south? You know what I mean? Like, are we talking Franklin or Pulaski? Like, how far? Because when you get to the deep, deep south, it’s scary. I’ve seen movies. I’m not trying to do that. I mean, if they have a TJ Maxx there, I will pray about it.


そして、友達に言うんです。「広い土地が手に入る場所に住みたいんだ」と。すると、「じゃあ南に行きたいんだね?」と言われます。「あ、うん、いいね、いいね」と答える私。でも、隣人がレイシストでないことも重要だと思っているんです。じゃあ、どのくらい南に行けばいいの?分かる?例えば、フランクリンかプラスキーか、どっち?だって、ディープサウスに行くと怖いんですよ。映画で見たことあるから。そんなことはしたくない。もしそこにTJ Maxxがあれば、祈ってみるけど。


この文章は、ナッシュビルで家を探す過程を描いており、都市内での自分たちの居場所を見つけるために直面した悩みや疑問を表現しています。特に、「南部」の特性や文化的な違いについて、冗談を交えながら伝えています。「TJ Maxx」というアメリカの小売店名を例に挙げ、そこにあるかどうかが決め手になるという風に話していますが、これは南部のコミュニティの特徴を暗示しており、冗談めかして「もしTJ Maxxがあれば…」ということで、安心感を得るというニュアンスです。


  • Fit in
    ・例文:”I don’t know if I’ll fit in at my new school.”(新しい学校に馴染めるかどうか分からない。)
  • Deep South
    ・例文:”I’ve never been to the Deep South before.”(私はディープサウスには行ったことがありません。)
    ・類義語:Southern states(南部諸州)
  • Country
    ・例文:”They live out in the country, far from the city.”(彼らは都会から遠く離れた田舎に住んでいます。)
    ・類義語:Rural areas(田舎地域)、Small towns(小さな町)

Being a Good Neighbor (04:22 〜)

And I’m a good neighbor. Like State Farm, I’m there. I love my neighbors. I’m the one that has everybody’s phone number. And if I haven’t seen you in a while, I will send you a text. Are you good? Do I need to do a welfare check? I got your back.
Because I love my neighbors. Every holiday season, I’m going to get my neighbors a gift. Not the whole neighborhood, just the houses I can see from a front window. Because I love my neighbors as long as they love me. And I know that’s not how the Bible verse goes. But that is my interpretation. This is not the new King James Version. This is a new Queen Angela Version. This is Angela 514. Do unto me as you want to get done. That’s how you say amen in my Bible. You could come to my Bible study. It’s on Tuesdays.


私は良い隣人です。State Farm(保険会社)みたいに、私はそこにいます。隣人を愛しています。私はみんなの電話番号を知っている人です。そして、しばらく見かけなかったら、テキストを送ります。「元気?福利チェックが必要?」って。私はあなたをサポートします。


この文章では、隣人に対する愛情と親切心を表現していますが、ユーモアを交えて自分の解釈を強調しています。新しいキング・ジェームズ版」という有名な聖書の翻訳に対して、「新しいクイーン・アンジェラ版 」という架空のバージョンを持ち出し、さらに自分の解釈を特に「アンジェラ514」という架空の聖書の節を作り、自分流の「愛の実践」を説明している部分が面白いです。また、「State Farm」はアメリカの保険会社で、その広告のキャッチフレーズ「Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there」から引用されています。隣人愛を表す言葉ですが、このフレーズが冗談交じりで使われています。


  • Welfare check
    ・例文:”She hasn’t answered her phone, so I’m going to do a welfare check.”(彼女は電話に出ないので、私は福利チェックをしに行きます。)
    ・類義語:Wellness check(健康チェック)
  • Interpretation
    ・例文:”Her interpretation of the poem was different from mine.”(彼女の詩の解釈は私のものとは異なっていました。)
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
    ・例文:”My parents always taught me to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”(両親はいつも「自分がしてほしいことを他人にもしてあげなさい」と教えてくれました。)
    ・類義語:Golden rule(黄金律)


